In September 2019, MIID launched the Inlay Lake Ambassadors Programme to train and mobilize young people to address the main factors affecting Inlay Lake’s ecosystem.

The 12-month programme, funded by the Royal Embassy of Norway and implemented in cooperation with UNDP, is developing passionate young lake residents prepared to promote practical approaches towards more sustainable and participatory development in the region.

The Young Ambassadors represent the multi-ethnic communities around the lake. They are supported by elder ambassadors, respected and known members of their communities. Through an extensive outreach campaign, the Ambassadors will address the environmental issues the lake is facing; ecological deterioration threatening the health, livelihoods and culture of the local population.

Supported by data of the lake, the Ambassadors are conducting action research on topics concerning the community. The project will be rounded off by a Lake Ambassadors Conference in 2020, where the young people will present their findings.